According to the measuring principle of the turbine wheel and oval wheel counter. Pulse output or quantity preset for controlling a pump, a magnetic valve or a ball valve as an option.
Turbine wheel counter
• The recording of the measured values for these devices from flow technical point of view takes place on the principle of the turbine wheel meter:
• The turbine wheel counter is a volume counter. The meter consists of the axial turbine wheel, the measuring electronics and the display with keyboard. The axial turbine wheel, which moves freely according to the flowing medium, indicates the average speed of the flow velocity. The speed is proportional to the flowing volume. The resulting measured values are passed on without contact.
• Any medium reflows are reseted directly.
Oval wheel counter
• At this device, the recording of the measured values, as seen in flow technology, based on the principle of the oval gear meter:
• Oval wheel counters belong to the group of direct volume meters for liquids with movable partitions (displacement meters). An oval wheel counter consists of a measuring chamber casing with two rotatably mounted oval wheels, which interlock on toothing and rolling on one another in a counter-rotating movement.
• The oval wheels transfer four partial volumes (separated between the oval wheel and the measuring chamber) for each revolution through the counter. For measurement, the rotary motion of the oval wheels will be forwarded to the pulse generator by magnets.
• The counters are absolutely insensitive to vibration, pressure changes, pulsations and viscosity changes.